Monday, April 17, 2017

Luna Update

I've been working on updating Luna's appearance to better reflect myself. But the version of myself I'm projecting onto Luna is me once I've transitioned to more male like, so it isn't too accurate right now. First of all, Luna's sex according to the game is male now, and I use Robert's Scrawny body for them. 

I made them some cool steampunk tattoos that cover their right peck and the left side of their torso. I also fixed their facial piercings to be exactly what I want to get (septum and snakebites).

I updated Luna's face texture to have some subtle eye makeup, but nothing else, and thicker eyebrows. I wish I had those eyebrows in real life; I hardly have any. I removed the more defined lips I used to use, as it really feminized their face a bit more than I want.

I'm really, really happy with how Luna is looking now. I hope you guys like the new and updated Luna Starshine. Let me know what you think.

And to think, this was the original Luna:

Quite a difference, huh? :D