I've completely redone Sadi The Swift. She has new, nicer textures, an awesome hairdo/wig, and a fur cloak that isn't problematic. Yay for progress! :P
Her armor has been changed a tiny bit, and she has an amulet now as well, and she has her own swimwear and cute jammies.
Her face and body textures are completely different, and she uses a different head mesh now, so she looks a bit different, but I think it looks much better. She also has groovy green face paint, and new eye textures.
There is a new hair option, but I can't get it to change colors, and it tends to clip into her body when she moves, so their is a matching wig version that moves with you. It's in her gift box in the testing hall with everything else. There's a wig for the dreadlock hairstyle too, for the same reason.
New Fur Cloak:
>< Note: This version isn't compatible with the Iffy Version. If you have been using that version and want to update, you'll have to start a new game. Sorry. ><
The Iffy Version:
I really love that wig! Thanks very much for the mod :)