Saturday, December 31, 2016

Sadi The Swift Version 2

I've completely redone Sadi The Swift. She has new, nicer textures, an awesome hairdo/wig, and a fur cloak that isn't problematic. Yay for progress! :P

Her armor has been changed a tiny bit, and she has an amulet now as well, and she has her own swimwear and cute jammies.

Her face and body textures are completely different, and she uses a different head mesh now, so she looks a bit different, but I think it looks much better. She also has groovy green face paint, and new eye textures. 

There is a new hair option, but I can't get it to change colors, and it tends to clip into her body when she moves, so their is a matching wig version that moves with you. It's in her gift box in the testing hall with everything else. There's a wig for the dreadlock hairstyle too, for the same reason.




New Fur Cloak:

>< Note: This version isn't compatible with the Iffy Version. If you have been using that version and want to update, you'll have to start a new game. Sorry. ><

The Iffy Version:

Lore Friendly Fashion Version 2

I've added a few new outfits to my Lore Friendly Fashion mod, as well as changed things a bit. All the necklaces are separate now, and there are a few new ones. There is a swimsuit, underpants, and a few new outfits. As usual, there are Khajiit and Argonian specific versions as well. (I don't plan on continuing this in future mods however, but I will be willing to convert individual armors if you ask.)


Overly Sexy Swimsuit Pose That I'm Now Regretting:

Freya Windsinger Version 3

I finally finished/organized the newest version of my Freya Windsinger mod. Yay! She has a completely new look, new armor, a new sword, pajamas, swimwear, and a casual outfit to wear when she's not in armor. She also has a wig to give her super awesome hair. Also, the neck seam she was suffering from is much, much better now. :D


Casual Wear:



Sword & Shield

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Fun Lore-Friendly Quest Mods?

Hey awesome people who read this blog. I am really in need of some new questly type things to do in Oblivion, so I thought I would ask you guys if you have any suggestions. My main requirement is that it can at least plausibly fit into the lore. As you guys know if you have been checking this blog for a bit, I really like the Lost Spires mod. I know that the whole Warlock thing is made up, but the way it's presented makes it feel like it fits into the existing world, you know? I would also ask that any suggestions not involve sex in any way. I don't expect to get all kinds of sex mod related answers, but I just want to put it out there, that I am really not into that in my game, like ever. I downloaded a mod a while back thinking ok, cool. Nocturnal's plane of Oblivion. But then it just got strangely sex related, which to me made no sense, and I had to uninstall that one.

I would also love suggestions for new mods with cool places to explore or with really interesting dungeons or something. Basically, I love Oblivion so much, but right now I just kind of feel like I've done it all to death, and really need a new thing.

So just please give me any suggestions for cool new things to do and places to check out. Try to keep it at least some what lore-friendly and no sex. I am not opposed to nudity if it makes logical sense for the story and isn't just because it can exist. An example I can make up about nudity that would seem logical to me could be that a mod contained water nymphs or something, and they were naked because why would water nymphs really need clothes. Probably a bad example because how are water nymphs particularly lore-friendly, but whatever.

Thanks to anyone who answers. :D