Monday, August 8, 2022

Playable Jeelia-Tora Character

Jeelia-Tora is a character I created a few years ago, but haven't released for you guys until now. She is a custom Argonian with different stats and skills to start with and an altered appearance.

Backstory: Jeelia-Tora is an Argonian Shaman from Blackmarsh. When she was a hatchling, she got a bit carried away licking the Hist Trees, and so instead of feet she has a long snake-like tail. Because of her over-exposure to the Hist sap, she was always more attuned to magicka than other Argonians, leading her to become the Shaman of a small tribe that kept to themselves in the marshes. She is very skilled with a bow and arrow and also keeps a dagger close at hand. She has recently been feeling a call to wander, and so left the tribe in the care of her apprentice and struck out for Cyrodiil. 

Personality: Jeelia-Tora is kind, but slow to trust, unless speaking with other Argonians. She will go out of her way to help others of her race, but is especially weary of Imperials and the Legion in particular, as they trust her even less than the average Argonian because of her coiling tail.

Home: She currently lives in Mushroom Manor, but I am considering creating my own home for her from scratch. Her story right now is that she stumbles across the home as she wanders towards Leyawiin from Blackmarsh and moves in as the previous owners request. However, I do think that building her a home would be quite fun, so I might give it a go at a later time.


Strength 40
Intelligence 40
Willpower 40
Agility 50
Speed 30
Endurance 40
Luck 50
Personality 30


Marksman 10
Sneak 10
Alchemy 5
Blade 5
Illusion 5
Alteration 5
Restoration 5


(Basically the armor but without the chest piece or gauntlets)

(Basically the armor but stripped down to basics to not ruin armor in the water)
