You guys have heard me talk about my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome before. It's the allergy disorder that makes me dangerously allergic to so, so much random stuff. Well, it has kicked into high gear like never before. I am now having severe reactions to almost every food. Literally, I can eat rice products and blueberries. My main source of nutrition is now coming from a chocolate flavored feeding tube formula that luckily doesn't actually require a feeding tube. It tastes good, and so I can drink it orally. If I stop tolerating that, though, I will have to get a feeding tube to get nutrition from an extremely hypo-allergenic formula that will require a tube. I am so scared and so depressed over this. I need to loose weight, and I am happy that I am, but I have lost 40 pounds so far just because I can't eat normally. Not because I was actually trying to loose weight actively. Glad for the weight loss, sad that it's because I'm too sick to eat normally now. I lost one of my "safe foods" a few days ago. I have been able to eat broccoli with no problems up until a few days ago. I cooked some up, ate it, and my throat started swelling closed (anaphylaxis). This is so frustrating and scary. I really feel like I don't know what to do, even though I am always thinking one step ahead with my health to keep me from stressing about what might happen. I try to think of "if this common (for my conditions) complication happens, then we will do this", but even though I know what the next step would be, I just feel so out of control. If you're the praying type, please send some my way, otherwise please just keep me in your thoughts. I'm really not doing well, physically or emotionally, but I'm working hard to get the depression under control. It will not control my life!

Flushing From Mast Cell Reactions (My Hair Is Wet, Not Dirty)
Weight Loss Comparison In My Face (From Illness!! - Please Don't Think I'm Bragging. I didn't earn this.)