Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Walking Carefully With Braces

I got my custom knee braces last week. They are wonderful! With them on I can walk around very carefully. I have very little stamina, so once I walk to the kitchen I take a rest in a chair, and once I get back to my room I get back in bed. I've been doing physical therapy each day and am gaining strength back. It's coming back faster than we expected, which is wonderful.

Here's a picture of my braces and my cute leggings:

The braces give me so much stability and also stop the really bad pain I get when my left knee twists to the side (because it keeps it from twisting). They also stop my knees from bending backwards, which in turn keeps my knee caps from dislocating.

As soon as we can get my insurance to cooperate I will be getting custom ankle braces as well. They will be molded to fit my feet and will fix the way my arches collapse when I stand, and will give them stability to help them not roll and sublux constantly. I've been wearing braces from Walgreens, but all professionals involved with my braces agree that they are not enough. I'm excited for the custom ones. With the braces for both my knees and ankles, I should be pretty stable. I just need to keep building my strength back up. :) :)